22 April 2024 | 07:39 Code : 6969 Main news

According to the International Relations and Communications Center of the Supreme National Defense University, May 2 coincides with the anniversary of the founding of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. In this regard, the Supreme University of National Defense congratulated this day by issuing a statement, while commemorating the services of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in the process of establishing security and development in the country. The statement reads as follows:

Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into [the hearts of] the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly. (Anfal, Verse. 60)

There is no doubt that the order to establish the Islamic Revolution Guards by Imam Khomeini (may God bless him and grant him peace) on May 2, 1979, is an essential and auspicious step in the history of Islamic Iran, and shows the depth of the insight and foresight of this great architect and founder of the Islamic Revolution. The wonderful performance of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in protecting Iran’s Islamic borders, protecting the achievements of the Islamic Revolution, thwarting the enemies’ open and hidden plots against the Islamic Republic, defeating the terrible and complex ISIS plots, strengthening the axis of resistance, participating in the development of the country, accompanying the scientific development, and standing against the stronghold of Zionism in the region is one of the achievements of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as the blessed born of the Islamic Revolution. A quick and brief look at the honorable record of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from the beginning until now shows how progressive the pace of scientific and industrial developments in this sacred institution has been. Its use of modern knowledge and the production of new products and advanced technologies that are the result of domestic research and thoughtful thinking, in addition to exploiting military and tactical initiatives and experiences, have always made the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps one of the best and most experienced military forces in the region and the world. They can be considered forces capable of intimidating and harassing the enemy at any time, and the best example of this is the complex and joint Operation Honest Promise, which astonished all military experts in the world and managed to demonstrate the country’s military strength, defensive capabilities, and deterrence power to the world.Therefore, everyone today recognizes that this revolutionary institution, with its loyalty to the orders of the Imams of the Islamic Revolution, plays a pivotal role in the authority, stable security and development of the country, and serves as a valuable capital for the Iranian nation. As the Supreme National Defense University commemorates this great day and commemorates the martyrs, veterans and those members of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Revolution, especially the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps who are called Azadegan (post-war freed prisoners) , it congratulates all these dear and beloved people, especially our colleagues working at the Supreme National Defense University, on this auspicious day. We wish their health, wellness, honor and glory from God Almighty.

tags: islamic islamic revolution islamic revolutionary islamic revolutionary guard corps islamic revolutionary guard revolutionary revolutionary guard revolutionary guard corps revolution corps

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